Jim Dabrowski

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Sanding & Priming

Just a minor update here. I’ve been working steadily on the boat actually, but there just isn’t too much to show you.

After completing all the trenailing I had to sand the hull all smooth.

After some sanding, I then took some wood filler and filled in all the cracks. I wasn’t looking to create a perfectly smooth hull with the filler because then that would just end up hiding all the trenails and other work I did. And it wouldn’t look like a wooden boat, it would look like fiberglass.

Finally I ended up with this.

Then cam time to prime.

First, I wanted to mask off the deck. That part is going to be varnished to keep the natural wood look.

Then, several coats of white primer with sanding and cleaning in between and it is all ready for its real paint job.

That will come in a bit once I am done planking the deck, re-adding the bulkhead stanchions and then finishing the planking above the waist.

Next time, planking the fore deck, stay tuned…