Jim Dabrowski

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Flying Dutchman: Step M

Yay! Step M is finally finished. I feel like I start many of these build log entries this way. Hmmm. According to my spreadsheet, I started this step on July 13, so this being September 6 that is a long time. The first part of Step M was “plank the entire starboard side” basically. Which, doesn’t sound like much perhaps but seeing as how the starboard side doesn’t have a gaping hole in it, there was a lot more planking to do. 

starboard side of flying dutchmand model ship entirely planked and sanded

All that, frankly, took a while. The curves in the hull made fitting all the planks in a bit tricky, but I just had to be patient, do a little bit at a time and eventually it all got done. I also spent a lot of time traveling these past six weeks for a variety of reasons which also slowed me down some. Next up was adding some filler to the bow and some finish planking to the stern. 

Here is a view of the bow with some filler added to round out the front along with some finish planking where there will be another couple of doors. 

View of the bow of the flying dutchman model ship.

Here is a view of the stern of the ship showing some of the finish planking. That big unfinished area is where the captain’s cabin will go. 

view of the stern of the flying dutchman model ship

Finally sanded it all down reasonably smooth, touched up several areas and I think it’s good to go. 

View of the port side of the flying dutchman model ship.

On to Step N wherein I build the captain’s cabin. That’s going to be fun. This is the first time I’ll get to attach a bunch of the fun greebling of bones, and skulls, and other things that will ultimately make this a really cool looking ghost ship. Can’t wait for you all to see it. 

Until then,