Jim Dabrowski

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West Highland Way Diary

Day 6

A misty Scottish morning. Today started off a bit cold and misty. Had to put on some of our rain gear but that was about it. Not too bad. Cleared up by afternoon and then was just beautiful, again. Today was also the waterfall day. Started out from Inverarnan and basically followed the River Falloch north then north-east for the first half of the day. Lots of walking through farmland, but not crops just sheep. Lots and lots of sheep and the occasional cow. Somewhat surprised we don’t see more lamb and mutton on the menus here. When we weren’t crossing waterfalls, we were walking along misty hillsides. It was really quite pretty.

About mid-day we ventured off the actual path to find lunch. The place we stayed at didn’t provide one so we had to shop. The trail took us by the town of Crianlarich (I forgot to ask them how to pronounce that), so we detoured off to stop in town to find some food. Turns out about the only thing open was a convenience store so it was pre-packaged sandwiches and chips for us. It was fine. Back to the trail and the onward to Tyndrum (TINE-drum).

Aside from the weather clearing up, the afternoon was much the same. Waterfalls, valley vistas, moss covered forests and generally beautiful countrysides. Made good time and got to Tyndrum by about 4:30. Tomorrow will be a pretty short day, only 6.5 miles so we plan on sleeping in a bit, maybe look around Tyndrum, then head to the Bridge of Orchy Hotel, our next stop. See you all then.