Jim Dabrowski

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West Highland Way Diary

Day 7

Today was a very short day; we like to think of it as a rest day. The official goal for today was Inveroran (no idea on how that’s pronounced, maybe I’ll find out later), which was about 9 miles away. But, our tour company booked us at the Bridge of Orchy Hotel which is about 2.5 miles short of Inveroran. So, we ended up only walking about 6-7 miles today. Despite our starting late, going shopping on our way out of Tyndrum at The Green Welly Stop, and generally walking slowly we still got to our hotel before noon. So we had lunch, checked in, and spent the rest of the day just relaxing. Like I said, a nice rest day.

The walk itself was also very easy. Not much elevation gain on a mostly hard packed rock surface that used to be a military road. Cool and cloudy and again saw many sheep wandering the hillsides. That’s really about it for today. I think I’m going to try some haggis for my appetizer tonight at dinner. I’ll let you all know tomorrow what I think about that. Tomorrow, since we cut our hike kind of short today, will be a bit longer than planned, 12-13 miles. Still not too bad, we’ve done longer days already this trip. Goal for tomorrow is Kingshouse. See you there!