Step S is complete!
This was a fun step. I got to add teeth to the prow of the ship.
I built the gratings earlier. That was “fun”. Took me several tries to make a properly fitting template that I could use to cut the grating to shape. Turned out nice. The teeth are pre-cut and just look cool.
Then I got to add the rudder.
Those hinges attached to the rudder and the ship are called pintles and gudgeons. In my case, the pieces attached to the rudder are the pintles and the parts attached to the ship are the gudgeons. This was somewhat challenging getting them to line up properly and stay in place while I tried to nail them in. But it worked. And it actually moves!
Next up was adding cannons to the upper deck.
There are four on each side. Here is a close up on one of them.
And here is what they look like from the outside.
I like how dry-brushing white paint on the black hull really makes all the details stand out.
Finally, I attached deadeyes and blocks to the outside of the hull.
Here is a closer view.
The round things with the holes are called “deadeyes”. This is where some of the rigging for the masts will be attached. You can also see a couple of blocks there. I sure what yet will be tied to those.
That’s it for Step S. In step T I get to build a skiff. Spoiler alert, I already completed it. I’ll share that tomorrow.
Until then, take care,