Flying Dutchman: Step B

Step B is complete. 

Picture of the lower deck of the Flying Dutchman model ship all planked and varnished.

This is going to be the lower deck of the ship. Those five pieces are of plywood and I had to cut each one out, then cut a whole bunch of 65mm long strips of wood and glue them on. The lines between the planks and the dots are all made from pencil drawing along the sides or poking holes in the corners after they’ve been glued on. Then some sanding and finally a coat of clear, satin varnish. 

The next step, step C, I get to put those on the bulkheads and add some details. Stay tuned! 


Flying Dutchman Step A

The instruction book for the Flying Dutchman model has steps labeled A through X. Here is a picture of my completed Step A. 

The keel and bulkheads of the Flying Dutchman model completed

I had to cut out and stain the keel and all 15 bulkheads, then glue them in place making sure they’re square to the keel. (They mostly are.) 

So that’s it. My plan is to keep posing pictures of each step as it’s completed so stay tuned! Currently working on step B, planking the lower deck. 

Take care, 


And so it begins...

Start of building the Flying Dutchman model ship. Just keel and bulkheads showing.

Toward the end of my Bluenose build, I was swearing I was done building model ships. Then my wife saw this and convinced me to buy it. So now I’ve started another…The Flying Dutchman!